I had lost all hope in liking Vancouver again, and this week was really dissapointing, and I was upset at most of it, and then this weekend came. I saw Marnie, and had girl time, played my favourite board game with my favourite people, ran into some people I havent seen in a while, Nathan bought me a new comic, Raf is coming back, and Vancouver? It's still beautiful.
your photos are pretty. i wish i saw those buildings wif you.
nathan is cute.
my hair is a mess.
missin' you like candy.
shiiiit. I love your shit.
I love the photo's you get of Nathan.
They are so -accurate-
this is the indiest emo blog ive ever seen in my life with crack whore indie boys and all
good luck getting out of this city
I guess you could call my blog "emo" or whatever, but I see no "crack whore" indie boys. Oh, and I don't want to get out of this city.
People whom leave anonymous comments are obviously not here for the main purpose to look at the photos I've taken, so, just don't bother, it's a waste of your time.
ha. what a stupid.
heaven belongs to u.
heaven belongs to u.
I was the anonymous asshole! That's not true. I could kind of see how Nathan might be filling a crack pipe, maybe.. I see rolling a joint though. Regardless, your photos are pretty hunny.
indie and emo are two completely different things which are pretty much polar opposites. So, mr. anonymous, I suggest you educate yourself before speaking because you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
i may be indie emo whatever, but i dont do crack, i just look and act that way.
indie is the new emo
you really should get some pants that fit
Could you please do me a favor and get a life? I'm so sick of having pathetic people in my life (hopefully not fully) wasting their time to waste mine. This is a site for my friends and MY FAMILY. SO, if you could please just mind your own business and mind mine, that'd be appreciated.
creens. dont give this poopholes the time of day. like most annoying things, if you annoy them, they will go away.
so you have some nice pictures and stuff. can you send me the ones you took when we were out with marnie? kthanks.
ps. they just want a rise out of you, who cares what some random thinks.
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