Tuesday, March 6, 2007

elephant chew

Sorry for being lazy lately, I've been keeping pretty busy, the whole working a lot in a row thing has got me tired, and not very excited about getting outside, or anywhere really, and taking pictures. So here's a bunch!


Anonymous said...

Hurray for the ovaltine cafe! I bet that used to be a prime establishment. Maybe still is. The proximity to the corner of Main and Hastings makes me a bit uneasy.

Anonymous said...

There is a drink called ovaltine Coreena have you ever had it?

Personally I find it horrid but you might like it.
good pictures and stay away from the uneasy areas!

Love pops

coreena said...

Believe it or not, but those E. Hastings pictures, were taken from a bus! I can't believe how nicely they turned out

Ovaltine, I use to have it at Tessa's, I'm kind of neutral about it. Wasn't amazing, but it's no tea!

Anonymous said...

a coffee shop that specializes in fake coffee. what's next?

Anonymous said...

it's not fake coffee! It's a chocolate malt drink, ok!

Aaaaaron said...

i'm so jealous of your city. it has so much to offer.
also, i wish i could dress myself entirely in all-over patterns. so hot right now. so french. so ed banger. so me.

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